Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Passion Ends

I finished reading Passion late last night. I finished a little under 200 pages yesterday. Luce has gone on quite the journey, and unfortunatley her fight to be with Daniel is not over. In the final bit of Passion, Luce finds herself visiting times back before Christ. She finds herself in the Mayan culture, and that she is about to be sacrificed to gain rain. Daniel saves her life yet again, but then by revealing his true angel soul, he kills her and many other Mayans. So she then travels to Ancient Egypt and is sent by an evil princess to die in a tomb, but yet again Daniel saves her then kills her. Luce finally discovers that the curse between her and Daniel have nothing to do with something he did, but what she did. A little gargoyle that follows her and "helps her" tells her that her love for Daniel is what is killing her. So she thinks that to stop Daniel from being in pain she thinks that she needs to end her life. Naturally believing the little evil creature, Luce almost separates her cursed soul from her body. But her love for Daniel kept her from doing so. Nearing the end of the book Daniel finally discovered that he will catch Luce eventually, so he goes to the place where The Fall happened. The bible talks about the great fall from Heaven. Lucifer and his demons fell from Heaven and into Hell. He flies in on the meeting where "God" and Lucifer are having their argument over which angels are staying and which are leaving. There he watches his past self walk up to "God" and Lucifer and state that he chooses his love, Luce. He refuses to be in Heaven or Hell. So he is forced to fall anyway. While this is happening, Luce has found out that the evil gargoyle is the Devil himself. He appears to her and tells her his plan of erasing the time from The Fall till now. He wants to make the slate clean. He then takes Luce to the time in which Daniel is waiting for her, and they decide together that they will fight to end the curse. Its a love story like any other. I did enjoy the book and I can't wait to read the last book, Rapture.

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