Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A bit of faith for the week...

The Human Experience, 2010, movie, poster
This week I was introduced to a movie called, "The Human Experience". The movie is about people who try to get the human experience and see how some people really live. It is a documentary. For instance on Sunday at my youth group, we watched the first thirty minutes or so of the movie. In that thirty minutes these two men set out to live as though they were homeless. They spent a month on the streets of New York City homeless. Each night they slept in boxes, and all they had was a sleeping bag and a back pack of essentials. They had to scrounge for food, and find a safe place to sleep each night. They found out that a church is the safest place for homeless people to sleep. Which I thought was very interesting. Homeless people believe that God will protect them from the evil that is out there if they are sleeping near a church. These two boys learned a lot in there month of living on the streets, but the people who learned more were the people watching the documentary. In this case, my youth group. In the movie homeless people talked about how they were at one time very rich and powerful, but then things just started to go down hill and they had no choice but to fall to homelessness. There was a lady that said she would see people walking down the streets, and they would stop and try to help the stray dogs and ogle over them. But when people walked past a homeless person they just kept on walking and ignored them. Can you imagine how it feels to be ignored like that? Can you imagine what it feels like to be under a stray or sick dog? This portion of the movie opened my eyes majorly. It showed me that there are people out there that have it way worse then I do. I will sit and complain about how my parents bother me. Some of these people don't have families that love them. It taught me to count my blessings, and not to complain about what I have or what I don't have. This is a very inspirational movie, and I recommend it to all.

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