Thursday, September 1, 2011

Faith life.

I started reading "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis yesterday, and so far its good but confusing. The book has taught me a lot about sin and morality. The book is about a man, who is one of the devil's demons, telling his demon nephew how to turn his "clients" into sinners. All the advice he gives is written in letters. They are very in depth and sometimes confusing to read. The book is very ironic because it is a widely known fact that C.S. Lewis himself was a very strict Christian. This book opened my eyes to sin and morality. Screwtape is telling Wormwood, his nephew, how to make humans sin. For example, people call themselves Christians all the time but they go off and sin then. It is very easy to sin, and people do it all the time but they never know. Sometimes your "church" friends can be bad for you. If they sit around and gossip and talk about people and how much better they are then someone else, that's sinning. The book shows you how the devil tries to come into your life. How they try to force you to go against God's word, and they portray God to be the bad person. In the book, God is known as "The Enemy". Screwtape, the uncle writing the letters, tells Wormwood specific examples of how to ruin his human. This book also incorparates morality. There are many definitions of morality. Most people see it as the things that you live your life by. For example, honesty, integrity, and loyalty would all be spectacular morals. The devil obviously doesn't want you to be honest or loyal. He doesn't want you to keep promises or go to church every Sunday. Screwtape is upset when he finds out that the human has started going to church. He often tells Wormwood how God is lying about loving each person fully. That he just wants to be in control. But in reality that's not true. I was always taught that God loves every one of his creations equally. He will never stop loving you and that each person is made in God's own image. I actually really love this book because it shows me how much I actually do sin and don't realize that I am doing it. My faith is the most important thing in my life. I believe strongly in God, and I put my trust and love in him. In high school it is hard to keep your morals and stay straight. Especially with all the peer pressure and the want to fit in. I am not done reading this book yet, but when I finsih I am sure I will have learned a lot more about me and about sin.


  1. I read the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S Lewis and it also had some religious references. I thought it was really good but and it had some of the same points of view, especially with Edward. He shows how people who seem human are actually not what they appear, they will seem good but really its a cover up and they just want you to follow and believe them, even though they're evil. I just thought it had some similar references to what you were bloggin about

  2. iv always wanted to read the screwtape letters!! bu ti though tit would so complicated to read. i did a research paper about cs lewis last year, and i love the cronicles of narnia! i honestly used to be obbssesed! and i think i just might read this book now.....
