Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A boring end to a great series... But the beginning of a Silence

I finally finished reading Mockingjay yesterday. I have to be honest and say that it had a terrible ending. I loved reading all three of the Hunger Games books, but the ending was not good. I feel like it resolved nothing, and just left us hanging. I have had a lot of agreements on my statement. My mother even agreed with me, it kind of tweeks me off a little bit that she finished reading the books before I did. I also probably didn't like it because Katniss didn't end up with the guy that I wanted her too. Thats entirely besides the point though. I am kind of happy I have finished reading them before the movie comes out. Its usually better to read the books before you see the movie. I am a lot happy that I can start reading, Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick. This is the third book in a series called Hush, Hush. They are spectacular books about angels, and humans of course. The series itself is about a 17 year old girl named Nora, and an age old angel named Patch. Patch at first looked like the untouchable bad boy. Always in black, or wearing a ratty old baseball cap. Nora knew instantly that Patch wasn't a normal guy. In fact on numerous occasions Patch gave her the creeps. Eventually they become close and fall in love. That's all in Hush, Hush. Then in her second novel Crescendo. Nora decides to look deeper into her father's murder. And Patch becomes distant and cruel. Falling for Nora's arch nemisis, Marcie Millar. Of course things are resolved, and then Hank Millar, the leader of the Black Hand interferes. The Black Hand are supposedly the people who killed Nora's father because he was a Nephilium. Which is another term for the child of an angel and a human. I might have to reread Crescendo  because I can't seem to recall much from that book. I remember Hush, Hush clearly. I guess we'll have too see.

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