Friday, August 26, 2011


You are:
  • slightly expressed extravert
  • slightly expressed intuitive personality
  • moderately expressed feeling personality
  • slightly expressed judging personality
I agree with everything but the judging personality. I try my hardest not to judge people. I do agree with intuitive because I always try to think on my feet.


This week: 160 pages

This semester : 160 pages

My favorite quotes:

1."He was running out the fire in his wings."

2."A church A majestic white church filling this gaping hole. A huge triptych of marble arches on the fron facade. Five golden spires extending high into the sky."

3." A pouding of horses' hooves echoed around the track like a massive clap of thunder."

He was running out the fire in his wings is my favorite quote because that creates a beautiful image. It's amazing to imagine an angel with big bright golden wings, running as fast as he can to get away from all the anger and sadness in his life.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I am still reading "Passion" by Lauren Kate. Nothing eventful has happened to Daniel and Luce. Luce has gone through another Announcer in the hopes of ending the curse set upon her and Daniel. She finds herself in Helston, England in 1854. In this life Lucinda is a rich Victorian style girl. When Luce steps through she has been forced to be a lowly servant for a family. She has to hide herself a lot she doesn't get confused with Lucinda, her past self. What she doesn't know is that Daniel has been following her through the Announcers. He is in England with her right now. He is also at risk for being confused with his former self. He does encounter Lucinda, although he could have sworn it was Luce. He confronted her and that was the biggest mistake he could have made. Lucinda may fall in love with the wrong version of him. All I know is that there is a ball coming up and both Daniels and Luce and Lucinda will be there. I am very excited to keep reading. Hopefully I will soon finish this book so I can start some of my new ones.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Fallen series

I am reading a book called Passion by Lauren Kate. Passion is one of four books in a series called "The Fallen". The series is about a human and an angel. In the first book, Fallen, Lucinda or Luce Price, is shipped off to a school called Sword and Cross. The school was a burial ground for soldiers from the civil war, and the cemetary is still there. It is a really high security school, and is basically like a prison. There Luce falls right into the middle of a war no one knows anything about. Her friends actually end up being angels. Not just any angels, fallen angels. She finds herself in love with one, Daniel. Luce then finds out that her and Daniel have really been together for years and years. And every 17 years Luce and Daniel find each other again, fall in love, and then she dies. Luce then found herself in a war between angels and fallen angels. In the second book, Torment, Daniel takes Luce to a private school that will keep her safe from harm and out of the war. The school is headed by two fallen angels and all the students are either angels or half angels. There Luce discovers things that are called Annoucers. They are shadows that have haunted Luce all her life, but she never knew what they were. Now she finds that she can step through them into her past. The book is called Torment because Daniel and Luce can never be together in the way they want too untill their curse is lifted. At the end of the book, Luce stops a war from breaking out in her backyard by stepping through an Annoucer and going to visit her past lives. She does this so she can discover where the curse came from so that her and Daniel can finally be together. I began reading Passion on Saturday and so far within the first 100 pages Luce has done some traveling through Annoucers. She has been to two of her past lives and has watched herself die twice. The only thing she has found out is that Daniel is following her, trying to get her back so that Daniel can tell her what happened himself.

Friday, August 19, 2011

My First Post!

Hey everyone! I just wanted you all to know what books I am going to start reading. The first is Passion by Lauren Kate. It's the third book in a series. The second book is The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis.